The Whole World is Listening - AMA with Alex and Mimi


Hello our beautiful friends! We are back with a very exciting and deep ‘Ask Us Anything’ episode. Today we are talking about overcoming low points of life, staying positive and motivated, living with conspiracy theories, doing more with less and building a more sustainable future. Let’s get into it. 

Do you believe that low points in your life are actually your biggest changes?

“Every time I faced any low point in my life, at that time of facing it, I thought it would be a disaster, but, as the time went by, I reflected back on the incidents and experiences I had to go through, and realized that there were actually pivotal moments”, Mimi recalls.

These pivotal moments make you more aware of who you are and what is your purpose. When you are searching for the light at the end of the tunnel, you gain new skills and learn important life lessons. For example, going through anxieties and depression, Mimi discovered how to meditate.

“Every time we face challenging times, if we look through them and open to face and talk through them, we come out stronger, wiser, better human beings. Every challenge is an opportunity to grow better in every way”. - Mimi Ikonn

For Alex, if it wasn’t for the low points, he wouldn’t be who he is now. The huge inspiration for Alex’s and Mimi’s life right now was Alex being fired from a bank. For him, it was like a slap on the face from the Universe. Today, Alex realizes how truly fortunate this pivotal moment was for him. He understood he didn’t want to rely on somebody else to provide for his life – he wanted freedom more than anything else.

“When you think the world is collapsing, there are actually tons of opportunities.This is not the time to wait, this is the time to act, to get smarter, to educate yourself, to upgrade yourself, explore different ideas and try out them.” - Alex Ikonn 

Have you been looking into the conspiracy theories?

When it comes to conspiracy theories, Alex explores everything and comes to the decision of what feels right to him. There are always 2 sides of the coin. “Conspiracy theories will always exist. It doesn’t mean we don’t have to listen to them, we should always question authority”, he adds.

When looking into conspiracy theories, we end up living and spending so much time on forums, news media and Youtube that we actually forget what it is like to be a human. “When you look at the good, you will find the good, when you look at the bad, you will find the bad”, Mimi explains. 

“You choose what you believe in. Be aware, be informed, educate yourself, keep your eyes open, trust in the good of everything and everyone, and avoid going deep into the black whole of conspiracy theories.” - Mimi Ikonn

How to stay positive and motivated?

Mimi believes that we stay positive and motivated by protecting our mental, emotional space. “Filter your social media intake and consume what makes you feel good”, Mimi suggests. For Alex, it’s taking care of himself, exercising, listening to music and tuning in with nature.

How to do more with less?

You have to invest a lot of time into building the entrepreneurial, 4-Hour-Work-Week-inspired  lifestyle. For Alex, the ultimate goal is to do something you really enjoy doing. You don’t create success and the life you want for yourself overnight - it takes time, a lot of knowledge observation, and hard work.

Here are some tips from Alex:

  • 80-20 Law: how do you get 80% of the results with 20% of effort?

  • It’s not about being perfect

  • You have to start somewhere

  • Be prepared that it’s hard

Where do you draw the boundary between consuming the content healthy and not comparing yourself to what you see? 

The line can be very thin and content intake can be very toxic. Mimi shares the following piece of advice: be very observant and aware with how you feel when you consume the content, and ask yourself why you feel that way.  

“Only follow who inspires you, the rest is just pure entertainment and waste of time.” - Mimi Ikonn

Are we planning to have a farm?

There is a great movement of how we maintain our world for the future. How do we grow food and make everything coexist with one another? After spending some time in the countryside, Mimi and Alex are thinking long-term about having a sustainable farm. 

“We are passionate about creating experience.” - Alex Ikonn

Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode. You can find more about the things we mentioned today here:

The Biggest Little Farm documentary

Cooked by Michael Pollan documentary

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon

Overcoming All Odds to Success with Susie Ma - Episode 33

Money, Drugs, and Life Transformation with Brian Rose from London Real - Episode 35

Mastering Your Morning and Evening Routine - Episode 82

Designed to inspire you to live your own dream life.

From sustainable farms to conspiracy theories, join Alex and Mimi today for another 'Ask Me Anything' episode. Full show notes:

You can find out more about Alex and Mimi here:

Mimi’s Instagram

Alex’s Instagram

Produced by Jason Sanderson - Podcast Tech

Show notes by Veronica Joce