How a Morning and Night Routine Can Improve Your Life


Hello our dear friends! We are always thinking about how we can deliver value to you, and what we can speak about that will help you improve your life. That’s why today’s episode is all about the routines and the importance of having habits and rituals that allow us to have better productivity and well-being in our lives. Today we share with you everything from how to get to sleep and what should be your first to-do of the day. Let’s get into it.

When we started our first business, we had a chaotic schedule and were all over the place. We noticed that those unhealthy routines resulted in mental health issues like anxieties, stress and fatigue. And here is why: we believe that we are special and invincible human beings, but, at the end of the day, we realize that we are ordinary social animals that need to stick to certain rhythms of life—day and night cycles—in order to live in balance and harmony.

The same way having the freedom and flexibility to work from home on our own schedule sounds like a dream, the reality is that it is very difficult. Now, living through the lockdown because of the coronavirus outbreak, so many of us got out of our routines, in a way harming ourselves and dealing with new levels of stress, chaos and uncertainty.

“A lot of mental issues can arise from not having and not living within the routine of what it takes to be a human.” - Alex Ikonn

It takes time to build morning and night routines that help you achieve productivity and wellbeing. The first thing you can start doing to help yourself is to figure out your sleep routine. Believe us, sleep connects everything; it’s 50% of your wellbeing and success. It’s essential to be in harmony with a circadian rhythm (a natural, internal process that regulates the sleep-wake cycle) and listen to your body clock.

And while our night time routine is still work in progress, it’s important for us to go to sleep early. As soon as the sun goes down, we dim lights and lit candles, so that we can tune in the right circadian rhythm. We also use Night Shift mode on our phones and block blue lights late in the evening. Also, we believe it’s very beneficial to spend some time outside in the actual day light, because it helps us reset the natural circadian rhythms. 

If you can’t fall asleep, instead of looking on your bright phone or laptop screen, take a book and read a couple of pages, being fully present in the moment and focusing on the words. Remember, your whole body and even the skin reacts to the lights around you, imitating that it’s still daytime, so make sure you sleep in a completely dark room.

Our Night Time Routine to prepare ourselves for a sleep:

  1. Not to use your phone for an hour before you go to sleep. Put your phone on Airplane mode or turn off all your notifications. Set screen time limits.

  2. Think intentionally and prepare for the next day.

  3. Have tea.

  4. Journal about your day. Use pen and paper --  writing itself is a very grounding and calming ritual.

  5. Read a book.

  6. Stretch. It’s been proven that stretching helps the body relax and get to sleep easily.

  7. Do a mental workout. Meditate and/or do breath work. If you are really struggling with the sleep, meditate from 5 to 10-15 minutes. Quiet and peaceful moments of focused meditation heal you from the inside and set you in the right mood to go to sleep. If you are new to this practice, use guided meditation through apps or podcasts. Pick the one that speaks to you.

  8. Do your skincare and beauty routine. 

  9. Write in the Five Minute Journal. 

  10. Have a conversation with your partner before going to sleep - cherish the beautiful moments of the day together. Have a mutual evening routine, something that connects you.

When you are ready to fall asleep, make sure your phone is turned on Airplane mode and the wifi is turned off. Ideally, put it away in the other room. 

Our Morning Routine to set ourselves for a great day:

  1. As soon as you wake up, do the gratitude journal, visualise what would make you happy today, focus on the good and set your brain for a great day. 

  2. Have a glass of warm water with a lemon.

  3. Make your bed (always!).

  4. If you have time, meditate to feel calm and peaceful.

  5. Do a quick workout. Alex does 7 minute workout - it gets you to breathe and exercise your body and muscles. It sets you up for the day with high energy levels

  6. Get ready. While taking your morning shower, practice a cold shower even for a couple of seconds - it boosts your energy.

  7. Before you start your work day, go for a walk and reset yourself for a new day. Do deep breathing while you are in the fresh air. Be present and connect to nature - look at tree leaves and grass.

When working from home, it’s important to have set hours for your work day and then for your little rituals. Start experimenting with different activities and notice how they help you.

 “Rethink and reevaluate your current routines. And if you don’t have a routine, this is a perfect time to start shaping and developing routines around your day - your morning routine, work routine, evening routine, night routine, etc., because now more than ever these routines can help you stay sane, productive, and happy.” - Mimi Ikonn

Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode. You can find more about the things we mentioned today here:

Morning Routine by Mimi Ikonn

Night Routine by Mimi Ikonn

Tara Brach Meditations

Wim Hof Method App (breathing and meditations)

Insight timer app 

Calm app

Bingo Theory -  The Ikonns episode No. 25

Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World by Admiral William H. McRaven. Watch the video here.

Designed to inspire you to live your own dream life.

Today's episode is all about routines and the importance of having habits and rituals that allow us to have better productivity and well-being in our lives. Everything from how to get to sleep and what should be your first 'to do' of the day. Full show notes:

You can find out more about Alex and Mimi here:

Mimi’s Instagram

Alex’s Instagram

Produced by Jason Sanderson - Podcast Tech

Show notes by Veronica Joce