We're Back!
Los Angeles, 2019
Hello our beautiful friends! We are so happy to be back and connect with you on a deeper level. In this episode, we share our thoughts on living in a new reality, navigating through the change and seeking the ultimate truth. Tune in now and join our conversation as we discuss current life vision, the power of humanity’s voice, and the importance of questioning the status quo.
“Life unfolds in the way it’s supposed to unfold and it’s teaching us exactly what we need to learn.” – Mimi Ikonn
In this episode, we talk about:
Living in a new reality and navigating through ever changing plans, life vision, relationships, beliefs and mindsets.
Different levels of being present and mindful in your life.
Redefining what ‘being productive’ means in a new reality.
The importance of taking time off and to reconnect with yourself.
The benefits of doing social media breaks.
How to extend kindness and light.
Communicating in non-conspiracy ways.
How to speak the same language in a world divided by injustice and different ideologies.
How to avoid being a headline reader, question everything and educate yourself.
How to create unity of humanity
Why seeking the truth is so important.
“Your voice does have power. It can make a difference”- Alex Ikonn
Hope you enjoyed this week’s episode! You can find out more about what we’ve mentioned during our conversation here:
“The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman
“Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times” by Jonathan Sacks
Podcast interview we did with Jordan Harbinger
The Lives of Others movie
UnHerd TV Youtube Channel
“The Wisdom of Your Cells: How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology“ by Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.
Designed to inspire you to live your own dream life.
You can find out more about Alex and Mimi here:
Mimi’s Instagram
Alex’s Instagram
Produced by Jason Sanderson - Podcast Tech
Show notes by Veronica Joce