Alex and Mimi AMA | Making Life Changing Decisions


Hello our beautiful friends! We are back with another exciting and powerful Ask Me Anything episode, where we share some simple yet wise and essential truths about life. This week we are answering 3 important and deep questions: how to become more positive; how to make life changing decisions; and how to find work–life balance. Let’s get into it.

How do you control your emotions and become more positive?

The most important thing to remember is that there is a desire, Mimi reminds. And this desire helps you grow towards that dream version of who you want to be – the more positive, balanced, grateful and happier you. And the most important thing to start doing is to create more mindfulness and awareness around yourself, and the most effective way to do that is to meditate. 

“You are not your habits or your thoughts, you are an observer of your own thoughts” - Mimi Ikonn

For Alex, it’s important to have a daily routine and mental practice to change the way he thinks. The reality, Alex explains, is that we feed ourselves every day with thoughts, ideas and inspirations. That’s why it’s essential to journal your thoughts – this small, but consistent act helps you stay close to your consciousness and be aware of what’s happening in your life. 

Also, transforming jealousy into inspiration really helps shift your mindset and focus on the positivity. So, instead of focusing on how unlucky you are, you can get curios and model other people you can learn from. Here is a good thing to remember: no-one is perfect, but we can learn small things from each other that can make us better. 

“This is the beauty of life – once you gain that awareness and you begin to follow and model other people who live differently, you can really transform your life and extend your mindset” – Alex Ikonn

How do you make life changing decisions?

Mimi is a big advocate for taking the risks, because at the end of the day there is only one life, so you can choose to stay in the comfort zone or dare to live the life of your dreams. Because if you don’t try, you’ll never know. And, plus, you can always come back. 

Here is another great thing to remember: it’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake. By doing a mistake, you’ll end up having something more – you will have the experience, which is, in the Ikonns family’s opinion, the most valuable thing we can have in life. 

“There is a reason for things happening in your life, so you have to trust life, trust your intuition, and keep going, because life has got something magical for you” – Alex Ikonn

How do you find work-life balance if you are a linchpin?

Alex starts with the reminder to every employer: appreciate your linchpins as much as possible. 

He believes the best way to find the balance is through communication, because you can go very far just by having meaningful, important and sometimes difficult, even uncomfortable, conversations. In Alex’s opinion, the real linchpin comes with a problem, finds a positive takeaway from the situation and offers 3 possible solutions.

“Meaningful and honest conversations are the key to having a successful relationship with your employer, your life partner, your family, and with yourself” - Mimi Ikonn

If you want to ask us a question, click here. Make sure to introduce yourself and tell us where in the world you are from. Keep the question brief, so that we can feature it in our next AMA episode.

Here is what we’ve mentioned in this episode:

Designed to inspire you to live your own dream life.

Hello our beautiful friends! We are back with another exciting and powerful Ask Me Anything episode, where we share some simple yet wise and essential truths about life. This week we are answering 3 important and deep questions: how to become more positive; how to make life changing decisions; and how to find work-life balance.

You can find out more about Alex and Mimi here:

Mimi’s Instagram

Alex’s Instagram

Produced by Jason Sanderson - Podcast Tech

Show notes by Veronica Joce