Rowing the Atlantic Ocean Alone with Stephen Shanly - [The Ikonns, EP.8]


In today’s episode Alex & Mimi are talking to their good friend Stephen Shanly, who believes that pushing your limits and trying new things are the key to seeing the world through a different lens.

Alex met Stephen a few years ago while competing in the Big Change Strive Challenge. Stephen’s level of endurance is off the charts.

He’s truly inspirational and it’s why we had to interview him!

Not many people would purposely choose to be stranded alone, in a one-man row boat, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. HE DID! And he climbed Mount Matterhorn with little previous climbing experience, along with paragliding down Mont Blanc whilst suffering a fear of heights.

“People will want to jump in your boat and go along for the ride, if they know you’re going to paddle like crazy to get where you’re going” - Stephen Shanly

We’ll hear Stephen’s story of how his failed App business lead him to crossing the Atlantic Ocean alone, in a small boat, setting a record crossing time of 41 days while risking his life. Currently his next challenge is to write a children’s book, even though he is dyslexic.

In this podcast, we explore what can drive a person to take on these remarkable challenges. What makes Stephen push so hard to achieve things, that seem almost impossible.  After working to achieve his goals by the age of 30 and shouldering the disappointment of solely focusing on his career and material things. He realised a need to refocus his life.

He tells us that his main drivers are the new things he has never tried before. He is pushing himself over his limit by focusing on the very next steps in front of him. This mental direction helps him to win his challenges, continue and go further.

“Its amazing how much more you can do if you just re-calibrate or just say go again. There is almost no limit what we can achieve mentally.” – Steven Shelley

You’ll also learn

  • Where to find inspiration and how to focus on positive things

  • How focusing on the next step helps to reach your goal

  • Stephen’s climbing story of Matterhorn without previous experience

  • How is it to jump from Mont Blanc

  • Crossing the Atlantic ocean with a limited water supply and a broken seat.

  • How Stephen survived in the middle of ocean

  • How trying different things shape you as a person

Designed to inspire you to live your own dream life.

In today's episode Alex & Mimi are talking to their good friend Stephen Shanly, who believes that pushing your limits and trying new things are the key to seeing the world through a different lens.   Alex met Stephen a few years ago while competing in the Big Change Strive Challenge.

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Produced by Jason Sanderson -Podcast Tech